Cathode Ray Oscilloscope


  • The CRO is used to measure the voltage, current, frequency, inductance, admittance, resistance, and power factor.
  • This device is also used to check the AM and FM circuits characteristics
  • This device is used to monitor the signal properties as well as characteristics and also controls the analog signals.
  • The CRO is used through the resonance circuit to view the shape of the signal, bandwidth, etc.
  • The shape of voltage and current waveform can be observed by CRO which helps to take the necessary decision in a radio station or communication station.
  • Used for comparing phase & frequency
  • It is used in TV, Radar, and analysis of engine pressure
  • To check the reactions of nervous and heartbeat.
  • In the hysteresis loop, it is used to find BH curves
  • Transistor curves can be traced.

For More details contact: 7667134364